Common Divisor

2018 | 36:00 Loop | Projected Video with Audio | 3:2 | Video: Dan Inglis | Audio: Jeremy Mayall | Featuring: Phillip Booth, Daphne Inglis, Sarah McNamara, Benny Marama, Courteney Mayall, Owen Mayall, Wolfgang Mayall, Joseph Monise, Hannah Mooney, Missy Mooney, Jessica Ruck-Nu'u, Kartika Sulistiowati, Jacinda Zainey

A video installation consisting of projected looping images with audio by Jeremy Mayall.
'Common Divisor' examines notions of the "social contract", community and individualism.
The piece has been exhibited at BYOB Hamilton 2018, and in the exhibition SHIFT at the Morrinsville Gallery, Aotearoa/New Zealand in 2018.